Here's a list of FAQs for CongoRx, considering the various modes of consultation, payment methods, access to international specialists, e-Prescriptions, and medical record storage:

Q: What is CongoRx, and how does it work?

A: CongoRx is a telemedicine platform that allows patients to connect with doctors through various consultation modes, including Home visits, Clinic visits, and Video consultations. You can choose a doctor based on their profile, location, and reviews.

Q: How can I find a doctor on CongoRx?

A: You can search for doctors by browsing through the list of available doctors on the platform. There are various filters available that will help you to find out best suitable doctor for your medical needs. You can view their profiles, locations, reviews, and specialties to make an informed choice.

Q: Are doctors on the CongoRx platform genuine and authorized medical practitioners?  

A: Yes, all doctors listed on CongoRx are verified doctors with the Medical Council and provided their registration documents to CongoR before getting listed. If you have any concerns or have any doubts about any of the doctor's authenticity on CongoRx, please contact our customer support team at support@congorx.com, and we will investigate further to resolve the matter

Q: How do I schedule a consultation with a doctor?

A: To schedule a consultation, select your preferred doctor and mode of consultation such as a home visit, clinic visit, or video consulting. Choose an available time slot and proceed with the booking.

Q: What equipment do I need for a telemedicine consultation?

A: You'll need a device with internet access, a camera, and a microphone. A smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer will work.

Q: Is CongoRx telemedicine as effective as in-person healthcare?

A: Telemedicine can be just as effective for many medical conditions. However, it may not be suitable for all situations. Your doctor will determine if telemedicine is appropriate for your specific needs. On CongoRx, you can book any mode of consulting such as a home visit, clinic visit appointment booking, or video consulting.

Q: What payment methods are accepted on CongoRx?

A: Currently, we accept payments through M-Pesa for consultations and services provided on CongoRx. However, soon we will be incorporating other payment methods such as Orange money, Airtel money, and debit/credit cards.

Q: Can I consult with international specialist doctors through CongoRx?

A: Yes, CongoRx has access to international specialist doctors. However, you will need a referral from a local DRC doctor to consult with an international specialist.

Q: How can I get a referral to an international specialist?

A: To consult with an international specialist, first, schedule a consultation with a local DRC doctor on the platform. If the local doctor deems it necessary, they may refer you to an international specialist for further evaluation.

Q: I don’t speak English, How can I get a consultation from an international specialist doctor?

A: CongoRx has tie up with some large hospitals around the world. On request, these hospitals usually have translators to facilitate the consultation in different languages including French. So don’t worry, language will not be a barrier during your consultation.

Q: How do I obtain an e-prescription from my doctor?

A: After a consultation, your doctor will generate an e-prescription. You can access it by logging into the CongoRx platform. The e-prescription can be shared via WhatsApp or downloaded to your phone.

Q: Can I store my medical records on CongoRx?

A: Yes, you can store your medical records on the CongoRx platform. This allows you to have easy access to your medical history for current and future use. Uploading your medical records is super easy, you can upload either directly from your computer or your phone using the CongoRx app.

Q: Is my medical information safe and secure on CongoRx?

A: We take the security and privacy of your medical information seriously. We use encryption and follow strict data protection protocols to keep your data safe.

Q: How do I upload my medical records to the platform?

A: You can upload your medical records by accessing the "Medical Records" section in the app. Follow the instructions provided to upload your records.

Q: What will be the consultation charges on CongoRx?

A: On CongoRx, Doctors will have the flexibility to set their own consultation fees based on the mode of consultation (Home Visit, Clinic Visit, Video Consulting) and their experience.

Q: Can I reschedule or cancel my appointment once booked on CongoRx?

A: Yes, you can reschedule or cancel your doctor’s appointment up until one hour prior to your appointment time, using the CongoRx app.

Q: Can I see my past and upcoming appointments and history on CongoRx?

A: Yes, you can see all your past and upcoming appointments along with your medical history on the CongoRx app.

Q: Can I see a doctor's qualifications and reviews before booking a consultation?

A: Yes, you can view a doctor's profile, qualifications, reviews, and locations before booking a consultation to make an informed choice.

Q: What is the difference between Home Visit, Clinic Visit, and Video Consulting?

A: Home Visit allows a doctor to visit you at your location. Clinic Visit involves visiting the doctor's clinic. Video Consulting is a remote consultation via video call. However, it entirely depends on the doctor whether they provide all types of consulting services. As a patient, you will be able to see what service a doctor provides while booking an appointment with a particular doctor.

Q: Does CongoRx accept insurance

A: We are in the process of collaboration with selected insurance providers. Please check with our customer support team at support@congorx.com or your insurance provider to verify coverage.

Q: What should I do if I have technical issues during my telemedicine consultation?

A: If you encounter technical difficulties, please contact our support team at support@congorx.com for assistance. We will do our best to resolve the issue promptly.

Q: What should I do if I have a complaint or issue with a doctor's services?

A: If you encounter any issues with a doctor's services, please contact our customer support team at support@congorx.com, and we will assist you in resolving the matter.

Q: Can I post my opinion or review for a doctor on CongoRx?

A: Yes, you can leave a review and rating for a particular doctor you had an appointment with on CongoRx. This will also help other people in the community.